My root chakra is always in need of work. It is located at the base of my spine and holds all of my early childhood memories, good and not so good. It keeps my thoughts and feelings about my family and my actions and reactions to life and its complexities.
Last night I spoke with my husband Ray about my Dad (who passed in 2019). Ray said that he “really liked, admired and respected my Dad and felt he was a real man and gentleman. I knew of their mutual likes, but hearing that he held my Dad in the same light as myself was like the sound of music to my ears. I felt the energy of my root chakra activate, and my heart chakra opened so wide with an instant outpouring of profound love that it brought tears to my eyes. Chakras are constantly interacting and working closely together.
There is so much hidden in my root chakra, but I can’t wait for the heart work to begin.