Love is the most Healing, harmonising, and awakening energy ever moving through our bodies.
When love is given and received without attachment, we ignite an inner flame that energises and illuminates every aspect of our lives.
Heart (4th Chakra)
Share your true self in full expression
Be who you are, Say what you mean, Love what you do
Celebrate your creations
Throat (5th Chakra)
Our dreams can carry messages and guidance that connect us with our spirit, guides, angels and loved ones who have passed over.
Signs, Patterns, Symbols, Feelings
Look for the wisdom in your deepest dreaming
Third eye (6th Chakra)
Sound is medicine for your soul
When we hand over our worries to the miracle of grace, all unfolds in perfect harmony and divine timing
Immerse yourself in Crystal Light
Your intention can change the way crystal energy works for you spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or physically.
Your Soul already knows what you need.
Do I need to Meditate
Self discovery
Take time to acknowledge and discover yourself.
Be grateful for your uniqueness and shine your beautiful light.
Solar Plexus (third Chakra)
Doing the things that truly make us come alive!
Love has the power to heal all wounds and open all doors….But it is the PASSION that allows us to leap through to the other side. When we immerse ourselves in what we truly love, we awaken a part of ourselves that is connected to the very pulse of life and everything seems to flow.
Creating through Meditation
The thought sends the signal out & the feeling draws the event back in.
GOT IT !!!
My root chakra is always in need of work. It is located at the base of my spine and holds all of my early childhood memories, good and not so good. It keeps my thoughts and feelings about my family and my actions and reactions to life and its complexities.
Last night I spoke with my husband Ray about my Dad (who passed in 2019). Ray said that he “really liked, admired and respected my Dad and felt he was a real man and gentleman. I knew of their mutual likes, but hearing that he held my Dad in the same light as myself was like the sound of music to my ears. I felt the energy of my root chakra activate, and my heart chakra opened so wide with an instant outpouring of profound love that it brought tears to my eyes. Chakras are constantly interacting and working closely together.
There is so much hidden in my root chakra, but I can’t wait for the heart work to begin.
Earth Star chakra (2)
I felt the energy of my Earth Star chakra working today with a sudden urge to be in the garden. My approach to the gardening chores felt different, and it was thrilling to dig in the earth and thank all the plants for their contribution to this beautiful planet. It left me feeling incredibly supported, grounded and energised by Mother Earth.
Earth Star Chakra
I have been working on my Earth Star chakra, connecting and cleansing using meditation techniques. This chakra is located 12 inches below my feet, and it lovingly grounds me to Mother Earth and all of her realms, nature, plants and animals. Whilst working with this chakra, I have noticed a deepening connection to my pets, Maxie, my cat and Charlie, my puppy. This is such an incredible experience!